Hi! I'm Betsy. Welcome To My Blog!
Welcome! I’m a foster mom for (mostly) Boston terriers, and also a former administrator for a non-profit dog rescue organization. Much of my administrator role was that of foster coordinator, recruiting, training and supporting those who’d opened up their home (and heart!) for a homeless dog.
These two experiences influenced my views on dog rescue and dog fostering. I specify dog because that is what I know. I guess that some of what will be written is transferrable to fostering cats or bunnies or birds, etc. To snakes? I don’t know. I don’t like snakes.

I believe:
Foster homes are more important
to animal rescue than any other arm
of the organization or agency.
—It’s even more important
than the rescue event itself.
On my blog, I’ll share fostering experiences and perspectives on this meaningful and important work.
If you are fostering, you are AWESOME. I know what you’ve done to make room for an unfamiliar pooch, both in your home and in your heart. I’m here to help you develop and hone your skills.
If you are thinking about fostering, I hope that experiences shared here give you some tailwind to investigate the right fostering opportunities for you.
If you are involved in management of an animal rescue organization, I hope you shine a brighter light on your foster parents, your most precious resource. Maybe my blog can ultimately be your agency’s resource, too.
I aim for one blog post a week, no more. Don’t want to miss a single post? Sign up! You’ll get weekly blog posts direct to your inbox. There’s a free e-booklet on fostering basics, and we have a resource library available for subscribers.
Is your tail waggin’? LET’S GO!
More about Me:
I foster rescue dogs! To date, I’ve fostered over 45 dogs, and I’m loving every moment! I think it’s been one of the most rewarding, meaningful, and awakening activities I’ve ever done, and I’ve become a better pet owner in the process. I’m still learning!
When I’m not swooning over the latest cool home furnishings products or working with foster dogs, I enjoy time with my own dog, Otis, my sweet Boston terrier. I hate shoes, (I hate wearing them even though I have a closet full of really nice kickers) I love old denim and white shirts, old photographs, architecture, and I regularly garden sans gloves. I’m from LA (lower Alabama) and currently reside in Atlanta, GA, although lately I’m traveling home frequently to help my parents age in place..
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